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gif of alan wake Herein I have trapped my hideous wife in a box so that he may grow old while I remain beautiful and young.


parappa resident evil beware of dog trespassers will be eaten this containers transports a disease which has no cure bsd opening 2 wheatley portal 2 ahadow and siver the hedgehog rabies pride silent hill i suck ferret spotted hyena spotted hyena wolverine victini nintendogs ferret guro raichu yaoi evil


Hi I'm dogfood69 you can find out more about me on this page. All you need to know is that I was recently diagnosed as the most normal person alive. nvm i take it back there's something terribley wrong with me.

You can drag quite a few things around here make sure to check if thats the case. especially if something seems in the way

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This site isn't very neat or professional, It's more just about practice + having fun. The Navbar leads to sections rather than individual webpages-- like ministes (though the css will usually be similar structure wise with a few exceptions) click around to see what I mean. THIS SITE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS

Check out my ocs its like the only reason i bother doing anything i love having ocs

 google chrome is evil best viewed on desktop hosted by neocities this site is best viewed with pepsi this website sucks

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open 24 hours i miss my wife tails I miss her a lot you are here who the fuck is this horse aroace pride gore whore raw meat like the legend of penis i love meat i play violent video games no longer a danger to society gameover shadow the hedgehog red dead redemption resident evil bite in progress jirachi robot wife dvd crazy pure evil raw meat cannibalism i eat people raw meat you can kill me but it wont last employee 427 this user is non human biohazard gross and nasty

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