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This site is version 3, I had 2 other versions that had a short lifespan. This ones obviously the best version but I doubt it's the last. But I'm trying to prioritise actually getting stuff out instead of obssessing and getting nothing done.

Because of that, webpages may pop up and dissappear randomly. Also the updates section refers more to when I update stuff rather than upload onto neocities. I only upload onto neocities when there's a pretty big change (atm). I'm considering an RSS feed though.

For this one I tried to limit the CSS files I use I used to use one for each webpage and it was a mess. I also have more cohesion and use fun things like css animations and a bit of javascript (purlioned it off the internet but I'm learning slowly)

General Info

There may be spelling issues over the site since I'm not good at focusing lol...I use VScode (I used to use brackets but it sucks). I preview in firefox and chrome. It's only semi responsive and works best on fullscreen.

For credits and things go here

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